Sep 222010

Versiune în română

I never seem to find the time to write about my travels. The last few trips I even took notes while traveling but typing them into the computer and formatting them has proved to be a task that I never get around to do. Even though what I want to do is write, what I seem to keep doing is taking pictures. Which is why, to keep this blog alive, I came up with the idea of posting a photo a day from the place I happen to be at that particular moment. If I’m in Bucharest it will be a photo from my hometown; if I’m travelling I would post a photo of the place I’m visiting. I got the idea for this project from my other “baby”, the Bucharest Daily Photo blog which has brought me joy for about 10 months before I abandoned it at the beginning of the summer (I keep telling myself this abandonment is only temporary and that “tomorrow” I’ll start reposting). I’m going to call this new project “Project 365” and I came up with a set of rules that I’ll try my best to follow:

1. The goal is to take one photo a day for the entire year, and to post it on this blog
2. No posting more than one photo a day, regardless if I take 1 or 1000 photo that day
3. Internet is not always available while I’m traveling so I might not be able to post every day. Which is why I’ll be allowing myself a week backlog. However only one picture taken each day may be posted.

I hope to start the project tomorrow.